DLMimi_FriendsWorld_MAINFrom going to many different schools, summer programs, and festivals, I have friends all over the world! Although I’ve made many new bonds with my co-workers in Toronto, I do miss my other friends.

Luckily in this day in age, technology allows staying in touch to be much more simple and accessible. Through the years I’ve met so many people who have become my great friends. I make sure to write to them at least once a week to check in and hear about their lives.

Most recently in San Francisco, I had a really tight knit group of friends from dance. In my opinion, having a great group of friends is extremely important. Ballet can be very stressful and competitive, but that shouldn’t stop you from being friends with others or socializing.

I find it refreshing to hear about their experiences in their companies or schools. It puts my life into perspective sometimes to be reminded that other people have happiness or struggles like me. Also, you can get a fresh perspective on your own difficulties or issues when talking to a friend who is not involved in your immediate life.

One of my friends who is an artist at English National Ballet is a frequent pen pal. We send each other funny videos and pictures, and inform one another of our current rehearsal schedules and daily experiences. Because of the time difference, our messages are erratic, but it’s always a fun surprise to receive a funny message from her when I least expect it. It’s so nice to stay in touch despite being countries apart. Thanks to technology, we can just pick up where we left off.

With friends in places such as San Francisco, Boston, Oregon, Florida and England, I’d say I have a wide range of culture to hear about. Luckily it’s a small world, and an even smaller ballet world, so the distance is never too far!