By: Christina Ricucci

A lot of people tend to speak negatively of social media and believe it has nothing positive to offer. Although it does have some downfalls, it also has the possibility of opening so many doors for young artists in the industry! It has definitely helped me so much. Here are some ways to market yourself:

The first thing you need to do is build up a following. Start posting more and more things related to what you do (dance, sing, act). Once you post more interesting pictures or videos that get people’s attention, others will start to follow you. Then your following becomes bigger and you start to build an image for yourself. Once you have a lot of followers, well-known people in the industry will come across your page. Business owners, casting directors, or choreographers will view it & that can potentially lead to you booking a job or a sponsorship deal! Personally, it took me a while to build my following and to understand how to do it. I had to get my name out there, but once I did, it was easier to keep in contact with everyone I had ever worked with. This connection eventually leads to meeting so many new people. People who could refer me to others & potentially hire me.

Now, I have a lot of sponsorship’s just because of following accounts and them messaging me with a deal! I am so grateful for that! It’s also VERY important to display a positive tone through your social media. Remember that EVERYONE can see what you have ever posted, so it’s always important to post appropriate things that give off positive vibes. If you make a good impression with someone & are nice to everyone, eventually the word will spread that you are pleasant to work with.

I recently just filmed a show that my old acting teacher booked for me, just from speaking to the producers and having them look at my Instagram/Facebook/Twitter. They got a feel for who I was and hired me just because of that. It has happened a few times since then too. It all stems from social media & by making connections with people and building relationships. So for as much negativity as social media gets from people, it definitely has a good side to it. So y’all better get to posting!