Are you looking for a fun way to stay in shape this summer?GirlsBeachPartySummer

Summer is that time of the year where you just want to relax and have a good time with friends. BUT, it is also the time when you want to eat ice cream all day to deal with the heat!

And although there is nothing wrong with that, we still have to make sure we show our bodies some love. So … we have gathered some summer workout ideas that still allow you to have fun.

Here are our top 5 summer fun picks:

  • Go for a bike ride. We all know your bike is sitting in your garage probably hiding in a corner somewhere, so why not take it out for a ride and do some exploring.
  • Have a dance party. Grab your favorite group of friends, turn on some music, and dance. According to WebMD, simply dancing for eleven minutes can burn up to 56 calories.
  • Do some yoga. Yoga isn’t only great for the body. It is also great for the mind. Yoga helps us de-stress while strengthening our bodies. The various poses can help strengthen our core while also allowing for relaxation of the mind. For a real summer experience, try yoga outdoors.
  • Go for a hike. Get out and explore nature. Hiking is a full body workout that allows you to break a sweat while enjoying some wonderful scenery.
  • Play fetch with your pet. What better way to burn some calories than to show your pet some love. Grab a ball, a bone, or a Frisbee, and run around with your favorite fur friend. Just 15 minutes of this activity can burn 50 calories.