CON_pulseord_post5Last weekend we were lucky enough to attend the PULSE Orlando, and even luckier to have an extremely awesome Press Crew Rep! Rapha Conrad is 26 years old and comes from Ozark, Alabama. She has been coming to the PULSE on Tour for two years now, and was kind enough to take the time to answer a few of our questions, and also share some great behind-the-scenes pics from the weekend. Here’s what she had to say:

CON_pulseord_post1DL: What is your favorite dance style?

RC: I would have to say my favorite style right now is hip hop and jazz funk.


DL: Who are you most looking forward to seeing/taking class from this year?

RC: All of the faculty is amazing, but I am especially excited to see Tucker Barkely, Tyce Diorio, Tricia Miranda, Brian Friedman, Erica Sobol and Ian Eastwood.

CON_pulseord_post2DL: What was the most memorable moment of the PULSE this year?

RC: When I was performing in the PULSE Fashion Show for my first time! Thanks Tucker!

CON_pulseord_post3DL: Anything else you would like to add about your experience this weekend?

RC: Yes! I’d like to add that the PULSE has helped me and inspired me to be a better and stronger dancer. I love meeting new people here and seeing some of my good friends who I basically only get to see at the PULSE convention.