How to describe this past month…in a word: perfect. Chapter4_2Where do I start? Paris was almost indescribable. I took a scenic two-hour train ride through the French countryside into Paris, passing fields and fields of bright yellow buttercup flowers along the way. After arriving in the city, I took the metro to the Eiffel Tower. It was incredible. I had dreamed about this moment since I was a little girl, watching one of my favorite movies, Funny Face, with Audrey Hepburn. Embarrassing as it may be, I have to admit that I cried a little when I first saw the beautiful black iron tower. I spent the rest of the day exploring the city, eating a French baguette on the grass in front of the Eiffel Tower, before moving on to see Notre Dame. That was another astounding moment. I was able to walk inside and admire the pristine architecture and stained glass windows.  Of course I sang some of my favorite Hunchback of Notre Dame songs with my cast mates! All in all, it was a beyond perfect day.

Chapter4_4Next was Russia. We traveled to St. Petersburg, where I had yet another lifelong dream come true. Swan Lake performed live in one of Russia’s most beautiful theaters. Yet again, there were more tears shed. I was fortunate enough to be seated in my own box right above the stage. Swan Lake is my absolute favorite ballet and to have the honor of seeing it performed in Russia was amazing. From the Corp to Principals, each dancer was exquisite with stunning feet, legs and well, perfect everything. I felt so in awe of it all, especially since I performed Odette’s variation at YAGP in San Francisco two years ago. I walked away from the theater that night feeling so inspired.

Every city has been breathtaking. I’ve had so many amazing adventures; from hiking the snowy Fjords of Flam, picking strawberries in Germany, to missing the train in Paris. I’ve loved every second of it. There’s still so much left to experience. I can’t wait to see what the next chapter of my journey has in store, as I continue on towards Northern Europe, reaching from Scotland to the Arctic Circle. I love sharing my adventures with everyone. Stay tuned for Chapter 5!

Chapter4_5 Chapter4_6

Just in case you missed them, check out Molly’s previous articles here: